

Congrats on Joining one of the best, most helpful writers group online!

*Get your Questions Posted*

hi writers,

To make sure our Q&A goes smoothly and your question/s get posted:

1.) Check our blog first:

Make sure your question is not already answered in the links provided there.

2.) Check that your question has not been asked yet.

Log onto our group and click on "Messages" to check.

3.) Please Post your questions by remembering to title (subject of email):

QUESTION then key word.

ie. QUESTION: book contract Do you offer book deals, like say a 3-book contract?

4.) You can ask as many questions as you like, but please, one subject per post.

Why? Because we may publish the transcript of our Q&A:

Final suggestions:

Sign your full name and maybe put your web address underneath it (it's a good way to get your name out to the agent and to other writers)

Our Q&A are usually on Wednesdays, and end at 3pm EST (so if you're in CA, posting questions end at noon)

Please stay tuned for the start of Posting Questions. You can check our ShalladeGuzman Writers Group Calendar.

Please note, the specific time on the calendar ie. 12AM to 1AM is not accurate. If you have further questions, please check out our latest Q&A's:

To do this, please log onto our group And go to Messages

Q&A with chick lit author Lauren Baratz-Logsted Message #'s 707-735

Q&A with Writers House Literary Agent Daniel Lazar Message #'s 787-812

Q&A with Larsen-Pomada Literary Agents Elizabeth Pomada and Michael Larsen Message #’s 595-622; 625

Q&A with E-Publisher Linden Bay Romance Messages #’s 489-511

This way, you can see our format and get more familiar with it.




Congrats on Joining one of the best, most helpful writers group online!

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About the ShalladeGuzman Writers Group

Congrats on being a member of one of the most helpful writers group online!

A ShalladeGuzman Writers Group FYI's:

Since we are using our Group Calendar (ie. scheduling activities), turns out, Yahoo Groups automatically updates info on your personal Yahoo Calendar. In other words, you may see info from our group calendar on your yahoo calendar. (Yahoo automatically does this)

Since we have Editors, Publishers and Agents as members, professionalism is suggested.

Our Basics: Forwarding information from this list to people not on the list is prohibited not only by our rules but by Yahoo rules and copyright law. Members caught forwarding or sharing information will be removed from the list. Suggestion? Invite your friends or group to join us and get our posts directly on their mailbox-- FREE :)

*** Disclaimer: Mention of a market listing, contest or product does not necessarily imply an endorsement***

***This Season postings are limited to our Q&A’s. Posting is "on" few days before and after a scheduled SHALLA Q&A ***

Writers, Editors, Agents, Publishers --Let's Help Each Other!


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